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<% on error resume next dim conn,rs,ps,PostIntervalTime,IpLists,LoginPassWord,OnlyShowReplay LoginPassWord = "freeway" '管理密码,请设置复杂的密码 ps = 20 '每页留言数 PostIntervalTime = 0 '同一个IP多长时间可以留一次言,单位是秒,5分钟可以用5*60表示,不限制请设置为0 OnlyShowReplay = 0 '留言是否有回复再显示,0为留言后立刻显示在留言列表中,1为需要回复后才显示在列表中。置顶的留言不受限制 IpLists = "192.168.|" '禁止留言的IP,例如:"127.0.|" %> <% dim act,name,email,content,reply,gid,ip,isTop act = Request.form("act") name = Request.form("name") email = Request.form("email") content = Request.form("content") validate = Request.form("validate") reply = Request.form("reply") gid = Request.form("gid") isTop = Request.form("isTop") if cstr(isTop) <> "1" then isTop = "0" ip = left(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"),15) name = NoJapn(name) email = NoJapn(email) content = NoJapn(content) reply = NoJapn(reply) if request.QueryString("action") = "loginout" then session("islogin") = "" end if if act = "login" then if trim(request.form("pws")) = trim(LoginPassWord) then session("islogin") = LoginPassWord end if end if Session.timeout = 20 function er(str,gourl) %>
<% = server.htmlencode(str) %>
<% Response.end end function set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("#truemark.asa") if err.number<> 0 then er "出现错误,请与管理员联系","" end if dim MaxPerPage,totalPut,CurrentPage,TotalPages currentPage = Request.QueryString("page") if currentPage = "" or isnumeric(currentPage) = false then currentPage = 1 end if currentPage = int(currentPage) '提交问题///////////////////////////////////////// if act = "save" then if isForbid(ip) then conn.close set conn = nothing er "对不起,你没有留言的权限","" end if if len(name) < 4 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "您的网络昵称太短,至少也要4个字符吧","" end if if len(content) < 7 or len(content) > 1000 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "内容不能少于8个字符且不多于1000个字符","" end if if session("valicode")<>validate then conn.close set conn = nothing er "验证码输入错误","" end If if instr(LCase(content),"http:") > 1 or instr(LCase(content),"href") > 1 or instr(LCase(content),"url") > 1 or instr(LCase(content),"link") > 1 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "内容不能包含URL解析语言","" end If if instr(content,"广告") > 1 or instr(content,"百荷音画驿站") > 1 or instr(content,"中天卫视") > 1 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "内容不能包含广告","" end If if int(PostIntervalTime) > 0 then newDate = Dateadd("s",int(PostIntervalTime)*-1,Now) Set rs = conn.execute("select top 1 ip from feedback where ip = '"& fixsql(ip) &"' and theDate > #"& newDate &"#") if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) then set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing er "请不要频繁留言,请等分钟"& int(PostIntervalTime/60) &"留言!","" end if set rs = nothing end if dim InsertSql InsertSql = "insert into feedback (name,email,content,ip) values('"& fixsql(name) &"','"& fixsql(email) &"','"& fixsql(content) &"','"& fixsql(ip) &"')" conn.execute(InsertSql) if err<> 0 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "系统忙,请稍候再提交","" else conn.close set conn = nothing dim okalt if int(OnlyShowReplay) = 1 then okalt = ",留言需要管理员回复后才能显示。" else okalt = "。" end if er "留言已提交" & okalt,Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") end if end if if session("islogin") = LoginPassWord then '回复留言///////////////////////////////////////// if act = "re" then if isnumeric(gid) = false or gid = "" then conn.close set conn = nothing er "参数错误","" end if if len(reply) > 1000 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "回复不能多于1000个字符","" end if updateSql = "update feedback set content = '"& fixsql(content) &"',reply = '"& fixsql(reply) &"',isTop = "& int(isTop) &",replydate = now() where id = " & gid conn.execute(updateSql) if err<> 0 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "系统忙,请稍候再提交","" else conn.close set conn = nothing er "操作成功。",Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?page=" & currentPage end if end if '删除留言 if act = "del" then if isnumeric(gid) = false or gid = "" then conn.close set conn = nothing er "参数错误","" end if delSql = "delete from feedback where id = " & gid conn.execute(delSql) if err<> 0 then conn.close set conn = nothing er "系统忙,请稍候再提交","" else conn.close set conn = Nothing er "已删除。",Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?page=" & currentPage end if end if end if if int(OnlyShowReplay) = 0 or (session("islogin") = LoginPassWord) then sql = "select * from feedback order by IsTop desc,ID desc" else sql = "select * from feedback where len(reply) > 0 or IsTop = 1 order by IsTop desc,ID desc" end if set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql,conn,1,1 %>
<% if rs.eof and rs.bof then %> <% else %>
<% if isForbid(ip) then Response.write "


" else%> " name="HwForm0" onsubmit="return(ckform())">


<%end if%>
<% rs.pagesize=ps totalput=rs.recordcount totalpages=rs.pagecount maxperpage=rs.pagesize if currentpage < 1 then currentpage = 1 end if if currentpage > totalpages then currentpage=totalpages end if if currentPage=1 then showContent else if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage < totalPut then rs.move (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage dim bookmark bookmark=rs.bookmark showContent end if end if rs.close set rs=nothing sub showContent dim i dim k k=(totalPut-MaxPerPage*(currentPage-1))+1 i=0 do while not (rs.eof or err) k=k-1 %> <%if i > 0 then%>
<%end if%> <%if session("islogin") = LoginPassWord then%> " name="HwForm<% = rs("ID") %>"> "> <%else%> <%if len(rs("reply")) > 0 then%> <%end if%> <%end if%>
<% = server.htmlencode(rs("name")) %> <% = rs("theDate") %>
网友信息: 邮件:"><% = server.htmlencode(rs("email")) %> / IP:"><% = rs("ip") %>
" value="1"<%if Cstr(rs("IsTop"))="1" then%> checked<%end if%>> .act.value='del';document.HwForm<% = rs("ID") %>.submit();}" style="color:red;" value="删 除">
留言内容: <% = replace(server.htmlencode(rs("content")),vbnewline,"
") %>
网站回复: <% = replace(server.htmlencode(rs("reply")),vbnewline,"
") %>
<% i=i+1 if i>=MaxPerPage then exit do rs.movenext loop end sub end if %>
<% logintable()%>
<% conn.close set conn = nothing Function NoJapn(byVal iStr) if isnull(iStr) or isEmpty(iStr) then NoJapn="" Exit function end if dim F F=array(chr(-23116),chr(-23124),chr(-23122),chr(-23120),chr(-23118),chr(-23114),chr(-23112),chr(-23110),chr(-23099),chr(-23097),chr(-23095),chr(-23075),chr(-23079),chr(-23081),chr(-23085),chr(-23087),chr(-23052),chr(-23076),chr(-23078),chr(-23082),chr(-23084),chr(-23088),chr(-23102),chr(-23104),chr(-23106),chr(-23108)) NoJapn=iStr for i=0 to 25 NoJapn=replace(NoJapn,F(i),"") next End Function function fixsql(str) dim newstr newstr = str if isnull(newstr) or len(newstr) = 0 then fixsql = newstr exit function end if newstr = Replace(newstr,"'","''") fixsql = newstr end function function isForbid(sip) dim Iplist,Iparr,Ipi Iplist = "|"& IpLists &"|" Iparr = split(Iplist,"|") for Ipi = 0 to ubound(Iparr) if len(Iparr(Ipi)) > 0 and instr("|" & sip,"|" & Iparr(Ipi)) > 0 then isForbid = true exit function end if next isForbid = false end function sub showpages() pageurl = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?" %> <% if len(totalput) = 0 then totalput = 0 end if if totalpages<2 then if int(totalpages) > 0 then response.write "总计:"&totalput&" " end if else dim Page_First,Page_Previous,Page_Next,Page_Last Page_First = "首页" Page_Previous = "上页" Page_Next = "下页" Page_Last = "尾页" %> >> <%if int(currentPage) = 1 Then%> <% = Page_First %> <% = Page_Previous %> <% = Page_Next %> <% = Page_Last %> <%elseif int(currentPage) = int(totalpages) Then%> <% = Page_First %> <% = Page_Previous %> <% = Page_Next %> <% = Page_Last %> <%else%> <% = Page_First %> <% = Page_Previous %> <% = Page_Next %> <% = Page_Last %> <%end if%> 页次:<%=currentPage%>/<%=totalpages%> 页 转到  页 共 <%=totalput%>个留言  <%end if%><% end sub function logintable() %> ">
<%if session("islogin") = LoginPassWord then%>


<%elseif request("action") = "login" then%>

请输入密码: 取消



<%end if%>
<%end function%>

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